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tv   Fox Morning News at 6  FOX  April 9, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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(man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. hello there. it is crunch time for maryland lawmakers. the general assembly session closes tonight but there is still plenty on the table. hundreds of bills have yet to be resolved including a plan to add a casino to the site near the national harbor. plus, 35,000 people expected at the white house today for the annual holiday tradition. holly morris will take us live to the easter egg roll. fox 5 morning news continues right now. right now. there is a live look outside. the washington monument on the right-hand side of the screen. the u.s. capitol dome looking
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teeny tiny. good morning. i'm tony perkins. sarah simmons is off this morning. >> i'm wisdom martin. nice to see. >> it is easter monday. >> i missed the red tie memo this morning. >> how are you? >> welcome back. >> thank you very much. >> can't wait to hear all about your adventures. >> there were many of them. >> excellent. >> we'll do the weather forecast. we'll hear more about tony's adventures. 55 in washington. we are cool and we'll be in for a dosent start to your day. we'll have cloud cover later this afternoon and it will be windy. temperatures should be near 70 a little later. there is your radar. we are looking at a satellite picture. you can see a few clouds out to the west and there are one or two showers in western maryland. that is a cold front approaching from the north and west a little later today. so things will break down a little bit this afternoon with some cloud cover and the possibility of a couple of
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showers. let's do some temperatures. reagan national, 55 degrees. other in baltimore. let's see. 41 out in harrisonburg, virginia. that is about as cool as we can find this morning and we should see these temperatures jump quickly into the upper 60s near 70 this afternoon. but with breezy conditions and the possibility of a shower. the wind will be gusting to about 30 later today and we are under an increased risk for fires so definitely keep an eye out. humidity will be low and we'll be very windy. >> nothing like an easter barbecue. >> we can get past the pollen. >> thank you, sir. appreciate t. let's find out what is going on with traffic. we've got robert hirshorn in for julie wright with that. >> good morning. we'll start you off with a look at sky fox and this is a shot of the overturned vehicle on the dulles connector road westbound on the ramp to the inner loop. looks like they are going into inspect there so that ramp is blocked off. luckily, it is against the general flow of traffic.
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do keep in in mind if you are traveling through virginia. we'll get you a shot of 95 northbound where can you expect the delays heading north from the prince william parkway to the springfield interchange. in maryland, the usual heavy traffic across the top side of the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. the big story, the maryland general assembly session scheduled to close tonight. >> lawmakers still have to resolve hundreds of bills including a proposal to add a casino in prince george's county. melanie alnwick has the details. >> good morning. >> reporter: good morning. still on the assembly's to do list today, a bill to allow public-private partnerships for state projects and a governor's proposal to subsidize wind farms. but the two biggest issues are gambling and the state's $35 billion budget. lawmaker are getting closer to a compromise on the budget. house and senate agreed on income tax increases month residents making more than
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$100,000 a year. they still have to decide on reducing and eliminating personal exceptions and how to shift the teacher pension costs to the counties. second big issue is gambling. maryland did approve five slots casinos in 2007. only two are up and running right now. now, opponents are concerned that he hadding a sixth casino at the national harbor will hurt the ones that are already in development. competition from neighboring states that allow table games is already cutting in projected revenues. >> there is a lot of controversy over this. rushern baker is pushing hard for it but there is resistance including some within the bridge delegation but he -- especially from baltimore legislator asened in the house. >> reporter: opponents say it gives too much money to operators and not enough to the
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state. the say emably could punt and decide to put the issue to voters in november. now, coming up a little later, we'll are more on an approved fee hike that will hit maryland residents in july. wisdom? >> thank you. two house committees are now investigating the wasteful spending by the general services administration. a lavish conference held by the gsa in october of 2010 cost taxpayers $820 thow. a video surfaced showing workers bragging about the carefree spending. the gsa chief resigned after firing several employees. some republicans say president obama is responsible but the white house is blaming the rise in gas spending on the bush administration. police hope some video will help track down the people would beat and robbed a tourist. now, with want to warn that you this video is very disturbing so you may want to move any young children you have away from the tv. this all happened in downtown baltimore on st. patrick's day.
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that guy in the green walks towards someone who then punches him in the face. when audio is up, can you hear his head hit the pavement. the crowd laughed and then proceeded to strip him naked and take his car keys, watch, money and iphone. the video was posted online. police are investigating. we're following a developing story out of peru. urgency is build to rescue nine miners that have been trapped under ground for five days. peru's mining minister is now turning to mining companies asking for equipment and experts to help with the rescue. thursday's collapse occurred following a blast set off by the miners in a mine that had reportedly been shut down since the 1980s. the u.s. and afghanistan have resolved one of the most difficult sticking points in allegiance. it hands over the nighttime
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raids to afghan forces. no american soldiers will be allowed to take any civilian detainees way. they will be held and prosecuted under afghan law instead. there are also new developments this morning in the nuclear tensions involving north korea. details coming up next on fox 5. we are remembering an iconic journalist. more on the life and legacy of mike wallace when fox 5 morning news continues.
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mm, these artisan bagels are so tasty. hey, what do you think "artisan" means? it's latin. for what? really, really good bagels. dunkin's new artisan bagels are as authentic as it gets. soft, chewy, and delicious. grab one today. when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell's chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro. everyone grows honey, that's my cup of tea. yours is over there. oops. dunkin's iced tea is freshly brewed to delicious perfection. right now get any size for just 99 cents.
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sit south korean intelligence officials say north korea may be getting ready for a third nuclear test. a new report released today states recent satellite images show north creigh as digging a new underground tunnel at the site where two other nuclear tests have been conducted. now, this information comes as north korea prepares to fire a long-range rocket they say is for an observation satellite but experts believe this rocket
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could also test long-range technology to strike u.s. and other targets. iran's nuclear chief is hipping at a compromise offer from tehran over its controversial atomic program. the willingness to reach an agreement comes as the u.s. gets ready for a new round of talks with iran next week focusing on nuclear weapons. meantime, according to a "washington post" report, the white house is trying to convince israel that the cia's use of drones and intelligence on the ground has given them a pretty good idea where iran's nuclear program stands. two arrests in the string of shootings that caused terror in the african-american comowpt of tules -- community of tulsa, oklahoma. jake england and alvin watts have been charged. journalists and the country as a whole are remembering a
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legend in the feel of broadcasting. mike wallace died late saturday night. he began his broadcast career on radio in the 1940s. he was best known no his 38 years on 60 minutes. he was 93 years old. this morning, holly morris is live at the annual white house easter egg roll. >> welcome back. good for see you. things are indeed livening up here on the lawn. the easter bunny is here. snoopy, charlie brown and that is just a few. this is a big deal. in fact, 35,000 people expected to come out. we are going to give you a preview of the annual easter tradition next on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. 
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new details from virginia beach actually coast guard officer and a civilian helped treat the pilot of that downed fighter jet on friday. petty officer second class nicholas bean was at a friend's house when he heard the plane go down nearby. he ran over to the burning buildings and made sure everyone was out safely. then, he and a civilian spoted a pilot on the ground still harnessed to his parachute. the pilot was woozy and couldn't get up right way. they checked him out for serious injuries, cut him loose if the parachute and helped him get away from the fire. >> good for him for stepping up and helping out his fellow man. >> it was a bad situation. could have been much worse. >> good morning. >> good to see you. >> yeah, you too. >> tucker. >> wisdom. >> we go way back, to 4:25 a.m. let's get going. your temperatures are cool but not terribly cold to start your day. you might want a light jacket for your start but later this
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afternoon, we'll be mild again with highs inen upper 60s to about 07. it should be a nice-looking day. 4 in gaithersburg. a few 40s breaking out in a few cool spots. culpeper, 43 degrees off to the south and west of town. 46 in frederick. some 40s on the map. annapolis, 55 degrees. good morning, southern maryland, leonardtown. these temperatures will get a chance to jump. it will be windy. the wind will be out of the west at 25 to 30. we are still at an increased risk for fire danger. we have a read flag warning as we get into the day today as conditions out there are conducive to fire. here is your sentinel sat-rad. cloud cover will be moving in later today and by this afternoon, i think we'll be mostly cloudy. it is a combination of a warm front and our real concern is the cold front out towards
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indiana could bring us a few showers. behind the front, some cereal air will start to work in for the middle of the week. and believe it or not, our temperatures will actually be a few degrees below normal for a few days here as we get into tuesday and wednesday. -- behind the front, some cooler air will start to work in for the middle of the week. early sunshine, afternoon clouds. mentioned the possibility of a shower. near 07 later today. but it will feel a little cool weather wind gusting to about 30 to 35 miles per hour and that cloud cover moving in a little later today. mostly cloudy tonight. we'll clear out late. 45 your overnight low. so a little cooler tomorrow morning than we are currently. we'll stay on the cool side for a couple of days with highs in the 50s. only mid-50s on wednesday and thursday with the possibility of a few more showers wednesday. we could use the rain so maybe we could squeeze out a few more showers during the day on wednesday. let's do some traffic and your very latest this morning with robert hirshorn who is manning
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the fort. what is going on? >> indeed i am. we'll start you off on 66 eastbound where the delays continue as you travel eastbound. they will be pretty slow from 50 in fairfax over to nutley street where the accident is now cleared over to the shoulder. elsewhere in virginia, just got word of a wreck on 395 in the half loans at shirlington. the accident has the late lane blocked. nurse jammed-up traffic from seminary road heading to that wreck in maryland. delays from south of father hurley boulevard. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. a health alert for you this morning. new research says obesity during pregnancy may increase the chances of having a child with autism. while authors say the study doesn't prove anything just yet, the results do raise public health concerns because of the high level of obesity in the u.s. they say the possible
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link between obesity and autism adds another inisn'tive to maintain a healthy weight. a 10-year-old girl in columbia is now a mother. the girl reportedly gave birth to a five and a half pound baby. the delivery was the first time she saw a doctor during the pregnancy. there isn't much more information about the girl or father at this point but according to reports, she may be part of a tribe. if that is true, the father could be exempt from colombian law. iphones, ipads, ipods, you see them everywhere. we know apple's success is enormous but a million dollars a day for the ceo? we're taking a look at tim cook's earnings in today's business beat. we'll be right back.  ah.
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so much better than last year. [ both screaming ] food out the window! throw the food out the window! [ roaring ] never again. everyone deserves a great vacation at a great price. get onboard a carnival cruise and get more fun for all. [ horn blares ] so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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a slap on the wrist for
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ceos at general motors, ai gmplet and -- aig. and much is apple's ceo making? >> only 120,000 jobs were created in march, expecting much more than that. as we get the full reaction this morning and it is pretty bad now that stock markets will open thrill at this l. -- open fillly today for the week being we have due futures down 100 points. >> let's talk about the ceos. >> aig, allied financial and general motors have not fully repaid the exorbitant bailouts that they got from the government, which the american pax dayer we height of the financial crisis. for the second year in a row, the government is freezing
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their salaries. do not feel too bad because they are making about $10 million a year. >> they're still doing okay. speaking of ceos who are doing okay of course the guy at apple. he is doing really okay. >> yeah. tim took, the ceo of apple, kind of makes $10 million a year look like pennies. he makes a million dollars a day. or $42,000 an hour. basically, $380 million for all of last year. here is the deal with the salary. his official salary from the company is only $900,000. that is pretty modest for a huge and prolific company like apple. but because of all the stock options, his salary comes out to be about $308 million a year. >> he is not hurting in the financial department. >> we're not making that kind of money so we have to keep moving along. >> nice to see you. traffic, weather and all of
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today's top stories coming up next on fox 5. plus, it is a very special morning at the white house. the annual easter egg roll is getting under way. holly morris is there and will join us live after the break. stay with us. .
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sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. we just love the taste. ♪ make today a sunny day. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] get the mileage card with special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card.
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get it and you're in.
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you could probably guess. this march turned out to be a mist-making month for heat. average temperature was 51.1 degrees. that is 8.6-degree above normal and six degrees higher than average for the first three months of the year which far exceeds the old records. >> amazing. >> that is -- it is rare that you get a record that is beaten by that much. 8.6-degree above normal. >> shattering records. here in washington, about 10 degrees above normal for the month of march. anchorage, alaska just set a record for snowfall for the
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year, 161 inches. >> what is the old record? >> they just beat it by an inch or two. >> figured as much. we are all happy here about the way -- well, at least some of us are. >> for you, honestly, we could use the rain at this point. >> we could. it is dry. >> we've got increased fire risk with a combination of very low humidity and some winds so we've got to be concerned about that. we could use the rain for people suffering from allergies. keep our fingers crossed. maybe a shower later today. again be maybe a thundershower. not a good chance. let's get right to it. take a look at our current conditions at reagan national. 54degrees. a light jacket but we'll be mild again this afternoon with highs near 70. check on the your humidity. we don't see it that low in washington that often. 26%. that is very low humidity. low dew points out there. winds out of the north at nine miles per hour. looking at the radar, a few showers out to the west and we'll get a cold front in here later today. it will bring us some cloud cover. so morning sunshine, afternoon clouds, a few showers later
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today. and then cooler air will set until for much of the week here. the temperatures we'll be trending a little below normal starting tomorrow. let me mention the winds as well. they will be at 30, 35 miles per hour at times today so it will be gusty winds here up ahead of the front. there you go. highs near 70 later this afternoon. come up in a couple of minutes, we've got ask the weather guy. >> i don't know about anything. >> we'll catch you up on that. >> let's catch up on the roads right no with robert hirshorn. good morning to you. >> good morning. unfortunately, we are not starting off with any good news. this is on 359 northbound at shirlington. the accident activity still blocking the left lane. this has you blocked off in the main and hov lane. this is the slow traffic from seminary road, slow heading to this wreck. in maryland, look at the inner and outer loops around eastern new hampshire avenue heading toward the interchange of 95 and college park. as you head in on the inner
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loop past the interchange, the 95 incident every change and approach baltimore avenue, watch for debris on the right and left shoulders. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. d.c. police are still looking for the american who shot three people on q street near first in northwest saturday afternoon. one of the victims was a juvenile. police believe they are looking for more than one person, possibly as many as four based on what witnesses have told them. witnesses want anyone who may have seen anything to come for word. there may be a big development in the trayvon martin shooting this week a special prosecutor is expected to decide whether george zimmerman should face charges in the teen's death. she could direct file the charges or recommend that i grand jury indict him. if martin's family decides to sue over his death, they could target the homeowners association. here is why f zimmerman's claim of self-defense is upheld,
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florida's stand your ground law will protect him from the lawsuit. in d.c., people are planning to march in trayvon martin's honor again today. the march is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. at gallery place. group will walk from there to freedom plaza as part of the national day of action and solidarity. maryland's general assembly session is scheduled to end at midnight tonight. there are still hundreds of unresolved bills that still hang in the balance. the house and senate still have to break a stalemate and pass a $35 billion budget. the difference between the two chambers is $58 million. lawmaker can extend the legislative session to deal with the budget. there are signs the republican presidential field could soon get smaller. newt gingrich admitted mitt romney is the likely candidate and talked about his candidacy in the past tense. meantime, the pressure is also mounting on rick santorum to hang it up and embrace rome me
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as the gop presidential candidate. romney has garnered 660 delegates. santorum has just 281. at the white house this morning, a beloved holiday tradition is getting under way. >> the first family is hosting the 134th annual white house easter egg roll. this year's theme is let's go, let's play, let's move. and holly morris is there this morning going being playing and moving. >> reporter: that's right. things are already moving. you can see the volunteers are getting into place. they are getting ready to roll, so to speak and the first roller should be here around 7:30 or so. you could say the president am family has a playdate with 35,000 of their closest friend and some very notable fends like the ones i have here next to me. i have one, two, three easter bunnys. i have agot clicky, curious gorge george, the cat in the
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hat. the big names come out for white house easter egg roll. i have slice. what is that character on the end? tommy mcfly. how are you? >> how are you? >> he is from fresh 94.7. more importantly -- have on today i'm the official white house easter egg roll emcee. >> how many years? >> this is my second year. >> how many have you done it? >> i think this is like my 14th year. you are the emcee. how did you get that job? >> i do want know. i'm the luckiest guy in washington. >> what are you going to be doing? i'm running around from the main teenage down to the elips stage out reading stage where the people are reading books, hanging with the mascots think just running around all morning and keeping everyone on time. >> you are going to be tired. >> totally. >> what did you have to do to prepare? >> you have to learn who is
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coming in. have you to first of all say their names correctly. >> you do this every morning. >> so getting a grief on who is coming. >> you can confirm that the first family will be here. >> absolutely. >> they will be kicking off the role officially at 10:15. >> it is officially the roll. >> there will be the pre-roll before the president rolls. even though this is 19914th year, i am never not in a of standing here on the lawn in the shadows of the white house. >> unbelievable. 40yards from the white house. you see a view that not many people get to see over the fountain to the washington to the jefferson. you got to think like thrs they look out the back door and there it is. such a beautiful only in washington kind of thing. >> it is. and now the obamas get to see this every day. and special people get to be here every day. there is only two times a year that they allow the public in. how special is it for them to
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open the doors to the public and let them come play on the lawn. >> this is the largest public event. the year. people leaving today will get that signature white house easter egg roll wooden egg that started in 1981. >> not only that, but i heard the egg this year for the first time is made from sustainable wood. >> absolutely. >> and the i have been is special. it is all like ecofriendly. and for the first time, now who is on the egg? >> beau obama. >> if the first time ever a dog gets a commemorative egg. >> you can get me one of those eggs? >> i'll see what i can do. >> you've got connections. i'll try to get his contact for learning how to be the emcee. tony, what is up with that. even you should get to be the emcee for some point. >> i did it for many years. tell tommy, we are not happy for him at all. >> he says we're not happy for you at all. >> thank you, tony. >> all right.
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thank you very much. in the meantime, you know about this every year. it goes on as watch free way to celebrate fringe spring thank you at the national zoo. it is the annual african- american african-americanly day at the zoo. the easter monday tradition has been in place since 1891. this year's event will go on despite concerns after a con confrontation led to a stabbing at last year's celebration. the zoo said it would re- evaluate security. bubba watson pulls off one of the craziest shots ever to take home the green jacket. dave ross joins to us talk about the masters and your other sports headlines. stay with us. ay with us. man: we need a good night's sleeeep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built.
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you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling]
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and then treats day after day... who gets heartburn well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system healthy hands can be automatic. for healthy tips and more, visit
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all right. big news in the world of golf. bubba watson gets a green jacket. yes, indeed. >> a green jacket or the green jacket? >> no, everybody gets their own green jacket. >> the funny thing about that scrrs. >> dave ross is here. >> thank you. >> they all get measured for their own green jacket. when they do the ceremony, they have one ready for bubba. could you imagine if this only had one size fits all. >> they measure all the golfers. >> i guess that is the way it is. in case you win. >> they don't make them all but they have them measured so when they realize i guess they get that thing tailored lickety split. >> we have other stuff to talk about. >> no, we are he going to talk
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about that. we are going to talk about more. this is louie. >> i had not heard about him. >> he does look like shrek a little bit. >> in the history of augusta national, there has never been a double eagle on two until right then and there. the shot and people criticized. i thought they nailed the handshake pretty well. >> they should have criticized this. >> phil mickelson trying to hit if right-handed. that was the problem. nobody has ever won the masters with a triple bogey. nobody has still won the shot. here is the shot. bubba watson on this. bend it like beckham. how in the world do you hit that shot at a 90-degree angle through the gallery literally and then the little tap in. said he had to back off. he said hitting that little six- en. putt and he just lost it. he is a very emotional guy.
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there is the jacket tailored. >> is that the tailor in the background. >> they must tailor it during the commercial break from the win. >> ailed like to have that tailor. let's hear from bubba and shrek. >> this day means so much more than putting on this green jacket in many ways and -- but it's special time to do it here at this tournament. i played good. i thought i was playing good all year. but somehow, it fell in my hands today and to put on this green jacket like i was talking there, it is amazing. it is a blur. of the last nine holes, i don't remember anything. >> it was hard. it was close. it was close to the jacket. but bubba played well. it was great, unbelievable atmosphere out there. you know, we were going at it so it was good. >> you guys get a little shrek on it. >> a little. >> this is called the golf boys
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video. this was done by bubba watson, hunter mahan, about six months ago. i wonde has buyer's remorse today that he made this video, very dpoofy and they -- goofy and they put it on the web. it gets worse. because they actually attempt to rap. i know i'm he going a little heavy here on the time but i would like for you guys to hear a little bit of rap portion it was coming up and tell me what you think here in about 10 seconds. >> here it is. >> you know what the big whoop, when i play may game, i make my mama proud. >> smash, bang, you hit the ball. >> birdies all day long.
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let the bogeys go. >> was that him wearing overalls? >> is that -- >> knowing bubba, i don't think he cares. i think he is cool with it. i do find it quite humorous. >> shades of the sunshine super bowl shuffle. >> it doesn't stand the test of time i don't think. >> dave ross, thank you. >> thank you, gentlemen. >> follow that, tucker. >> all right. so before we go, we got to talk about sarah simmons. we go to give a big shout out to sarah simmons and her new husband. she he is off today. what is that she has in her hand. >> you might remember last week i gave her something blue. there she is. those are the pop tarts i gave her. >> we all had to give something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. tucker's gift was pop tarts. >> mine got the most play. >> she says she loved them and
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she needed them before her big moment. >> sarah did say we could air this. she promises more note owes when she gets back. >> that is wonderful. she looks beautiful. >> she is off in hawaii. >> must be nice. >> with the pop tarts. >> you can never go wrong with a pop tart. >> let's get to the weather forecast very quickly. cool start to the day. later this afternoon, we'll be up near 70. maybe a shower in the forecast later today. windy conditions at times. 54 now in washington. cool, yeah, not terribly cold. 48 in gaithersburg. warmer than we were a couple of morning this is weekend. 56 now in quantico and in fredericksburg, 50 degrees. we'll see the temperatures jump shortly. not much in the way of breezes here in washington. the wind are already picking up ahead of on our front off to the north and west.
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hook at hagerstown. 29 in martinsburg. those win will start to sweep into the area gradual hi here during the morning hours. it will be a breezy day if not windy day up head of our front which will be working in from the north and west. sunshine to start your day. then the clouds we'll start to move in and see the shower activity up there in central indiana. that will be the cold front that will get in here later this afternoon. we'll see if that doesn't kick off a few showers around here later today. we need the rain. not a great chance. man a 20% chance of rain. 69 today. early sun, afternoon clouds. i mentioned the possibility of a shower. the clouds will stick around tonight. we'll start to cool off tonight. check out your mid-week forecast. temperature actually a few degree below normal. >> what? >> haven't done that a whole lot today. highs in the 50s. still plenty of sunshine each day. a rebound near 65 by friday. maybe we'll squeeze another shower out wednesday. >> there you go. thank you, sir. guess what it is time for.
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>> what is that? >> it is time for ask the weather guys. there we are in our new classy pictures. it is the segment where tucker barnes and i put our big heads together to answer your most pressing questions, weather- related or otherwise. today's question comes from luke mitchell in d.c. he asks, why is it that when landing in an airplane or riding through mountains, our ears pop? what can we do to reduce the discomfort? good question. know about this as i was just riding on an airplane. >> did you experience this? >> a little bit, yeah. >> i used to have those problems. i don't have them as much anymore. >> sometimes worse than others. >> for kids, they're miserable. when they're really young because they don't know what is going on. and it is really bad. >> i think the person who wrote in is a student. so what happens here is on planet earth, we have air pressure and when you get into an airplane or go high up in the mountains or under other circumstances, that pressure can change.
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the pressure, the higher you go, the lower the pressure. so when you go in an airplane, when you are here on planet earth on the surface, you are in equilibrium but as you start to take off and owe up in the plane, the pressure changes in the atmosphere but in your head, you have air stuck in your ears. that pressure antichanged. wisdom is looking like what is going on here? >> i was guessing it was pressure. pressure outside your ear is lower than the pressure inside your ear and that is why you feel the discomfort in your eardrum. >> that difference starts pulling on your eardrum so that it is kind of pulled outward and it makes it uncomfortable and you are not able to equalize. that is why you see people -- and that is good advice, trying to yawn or open their mouths. >> what about chewing gum? >> that can help. >> anything that sort of moves
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your jaw a little bit. some people cover their nostrils and blow on their ears a little bit. >> never tried that one. >> so when the eustachian tube opens up, you hear the little pop t can be painful. on a flight that i took last year, i had a sinus infection at the time. i didn't know it until afterwards but man, it was terrible. >> your tubes were clogged and unable to open up. >> and also people would have ear infections, the doctors say don't get on a plane for whatever amount of time. >> that's right. >> so then when you are up high in the sky and you are coming back down to hand here on the surface, the opposite holds true. the pressure outside is low and then as it starts to come darning the pressure increases i don't outside but you have lower pressure on your ear and it starts to press in. >> and this is despite the fact
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that inside of airplanes, the air is pressurized. i would imagine early -- did they know in early airline history that they had to pressurize the cabin. >> i think they probably learned along the way. >> the first flights would have been miserable. >> we got to do something. we used this for my son. something called ear planes. it is like an ear plug that you kind of screw in and it is to help prevent those problems and it helped him. >> really? >> cool. >> they have them for adults and children. >> you got a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. can you also upload your video question and we may play it on the air. and we want to mention one more thing, speaking of baseball season. we've been talking about the nationals. we have our second an annual
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weather day. we will do a presentation before the game for area school students. we're very excited about t last year, we had lots and lots of people and this year, we'll have some special guests. >> are we really? yes. >> excellent. hopefully, it won't rain on us this year. >> it will be better than ever. you can get the information at the or go to our site and we'll give you an update. >> >> what about these special gifts. >> no, we're teasing you. >> i promise you will be very happy when you find out who they are. >> we haven't booked them yet. >> that's true too. >> we want for find out what is happening on the roads now. robert hirshorn is in for the vacationing julie wright. >> good morning to everyone in the studio. we'll start off with a look at sky fox and check in on the situation on the westbound dulles toll road on the ramp to the inner loop where the ongoing accident activity is still in place and this is where the overturned vehicle. as you can see, they are over
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into the woods with the rollback on scene. luckily, going against the general flow of traffic but keep this in mind. we'll get you a look at the wrong going situation on 395 at shirlington. accident activity over to the shoulder but the rubbernecking delays continue in the main lanes of 395 all the way from the beltway for shirlington. you are jammed up. on the outer loop of the beltway, across the top side, you are jammed up as well with the normal volume delays so expect those if you are just heading out on to the roadway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. >> thank you. a big event planned today at a historic d.c. theater that helped launch the careers of people like ella fitzgerald and marvin gay. >> they will cut the ribbon on the historic theater. today's event will also unveil
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a new duke ellington statue nearby. >> very cool. the hunger games is tops at the box office for the third straight weekend. it raked in another 33 1/2 million dollars pushing the total domestic sales past the $300 million mark. american renone -- reunion came in seconds. coming up, a check on the today's stop stories. >> we'll head back out live to the easter egg roll. stay with us. holly morris will have that and more. 
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time now to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. it is kitty gonzalez. she is the for of sick and the grandmother of five. she is a very busy, busy person. these are some of her children
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on her profile picture. thank you for watching. to be foam's facebook fan of the day go to facebook and search for fox 5 morning news and post a comment under kitty's photo. that will do it for the 6:00 hour. time now to accepted it over to allison and tony to take us the rest of the way. >> thank you. i will miss the twin anchor men in their outfits. i will miss that. coming up on fox 5 morning news at 7:00 time is running out. hundreds of unresolved bills still hang in the balance as maryland lawmakers begin the final day of the general assembly session. a look at what is at stake in a live report. on the campaign trail, there are more contests left to go but more and more republicans see mitt romney as the nominee including one of his rivals. we'll have the latest. latest. >> it is a tradition in the 134th year, the white house


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